
How Health Mentors can Support Pupils through Exam Stress


How Health Mentors can Support Pupils through Exam Stress

According to the NSPCC, Childline has experienced a 10% increase in counselling sessions about exam stress since the pandemic, and delivered almost 2,000 related sessions in 2022. 44% of these counselling sessions took place between April and June, highlighting how stressful the exam period can be for school pupils.

Despite GCSE and A Level exams returning to their usual format, pupils are still feeling the effects of the disruption to their earlier secondary school years. Although results are returning to their pre-pandemic levels, the stress levels that come hand-in-hand with them have remained high.

Mental health support in schools is more important than ever, especially during intense exam periods. Pupils are struggling to cope with exam pressure, familial expectations, and lack of motivation. Evolve Health Mentors provide a constant, emotionally available presence in schools, offering pupils a safe space to express their worries. 

Health Mentors receive specialised training to effectively support their mentees with these types of issues and improve their wellbeing. Our logic model focuses on pupils’ well-being, particularly during exam periods, this can include sleep and self-efficacy. While studying, students can often stay awake all night and disrupt their sleeping patterns. Our health mentors can support pupils in creating and maintaining a sleep schedule that works for them. Similarly, our specialised mentoring sessions can help build pupils confidence and belief in their ability to do well in their exams. 

In taking these steps to improve pupils’ wellbeing, we help them to strengthen their mindset, control and character building, which in turn can nurture performance metrics such as behaviour and academic achievement.

Read more about exam stress: 10% increase in counselling sessions about exam stress since the pandemic | NSPCC