
How we are Supporting Transitions to Secondary School for Disadvantaged Pupils


How we are Supporting Transitions to Secondary School for Disadvantaged Pupils

Data from the FFT Education Data Lab reveals some interesting insights into school absences around the transition period between Year 6 and Year 7. 

In general, absences increase during this period, however this increase is much greater among pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM), where absences rise from 7.7% to 9.7%. In comparison, for  non-FSM pupils the absence percentage by year increases from 4.7% to 4.9% This highlights the disadvantage gap in absence rates around the transition to secondary school for pupils eligible for FSM.

This gap suggests that more disadvantaged pupils face additional challenges during this transition period, a critical time in their educational journey. These findings call for more targeted support to help these pupils navigate this challenging time more effectively.

Our XLR8 Holiday Programme aims to do just this. Rather than activity-based childcare holiday programmes that already exist in abundance, XLR8 is specifically designed to support the transition from primary school to secondary school. The programme facilitates the formation of friendships among incoming Year 7 cohorts and introduces them to their new school environment, including the accompanying values and expectations. 

Most importantly, XLR8 recruits largely among more disadvantaged pupils who will benefit the most from the programme in order to reduce the disadvantage gap evidenced by the FFT Education DataLab findings.

Read more on the FFT Education Data Lab findings here: The disadvantage gap in absence rates around the Year 6 into 7 transition point – FFT Education Datalab