
The Future of Education and Mental Health Under Labour


The Future of Education and Mental Health Under Labour

With the recent General Election resulting in a Labour majority, now comes the reopening of parliament and the King’s Speech detailing the focus and direction of this new government. Breaking down and discussing parts of this speech regarding the future of education and mental health provision, Evolve’s work plays a key part in supporting this vision.

The first big change is the introduction of a Children’s Wellbeing Bill, aimed at promoting wellbeing in education. This approach is long overdue. Recent budget cuts to education have left wellbeing support in dire need of revitalising, especially given the current mental health crisis. Mental health and wellbeing is at the centre of everything we do at Evolve and this focus on wellbeing support in schools is a step in the right direction. It has since been revealed that this bill includes free breakfast clubs, something which Evolve Health Mentors provide as part of their programme for  schools.

Labour’s commitment to giving mental health the same attention and focus as physical health, is another key point mentioned in the King’s Speech. This has the potential to make significant strides in reducing the stigma around mental health problems and normalise seeking out support. Evolve’s health mentoring programmes have always emphasised both mental and physical health, with our wellbeing indicators covering physical aspects such as  physical activity and diet along with  mental aspects, such as emotional wellbeing and self-efficacy.

With the new Labour government set to support the funding of 6,500 new teachers by abolishing the VAT exemption for private schools, and a more challenging curriculum to teach, Evolve Health Mentors would be well placed to support teachers in their schools by taking on some of their pastoral responsibilities, however, most teachers across the country do not have this luxury.

The emphasis on wellbeing in the new government’s agenda is a promising step forward. As we await the implementation of these promises, Evolve will remain committed to supporting the mental and physical health of pupils and enhancing their overall wellbeing. We look forward to working within this evolving educational landscape to ensure that every child receives the support they need to thrive.